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Дата регистрации: 23 авг 2017
Офлайн Последняя активность: авг 22 2019 03:38

#33527 Доминирование

Автор: CIA_Elanski : 20 Август 2019 - 21:38

The other night I was flying with several guys.  We approached our factory at beginning of map.  We see He111 3.5k.  We start to climb.  He drops 2 bombs.  This target is not damaged before HE111.  He drops 2 bombs.  Target is destroyed and off the map.  It is so easy for germans right now.  Plurp killed our tanks last night one sortie.  It is not hard for Germans.  Their fighters start faster.  There fighter accelerate faster.  They climb faster and many targets the german bases are closer by one grid to their defend and attack targets.  Their fighters get back faster to cover their targets faster. Poor germans.  Germans have best propoganda. Why are the germans spawn bases closer to their targets and closer to their defend target?  Yet they lose more maps.  And every week I see, "Russian bias" typed by Bilbo, Haza, etc.  


I don't type often in forums but I am tired of Blue bias and attitude.  I get shot down in P40.  I bail out.  NBSI Mobius comes around and kills my pilot in parachute.  Nothing wrong with that except it is not against the rules.  Does that not make people want to leave the server?  I bail out and I am in parachute alive.  Then i die because of german attitude?  Russian players get strafed on ground after crash.  German players are suicide into our parked spawn points and get CREDIT for 3 or four kills?  REALLY?  Their bombers are bombing our spawn bases and not targets.  Not against the rules but they spend time getting bomber to 5k to bomb our airfield.  They often have escort for this mission but not to hit a target on the front line.  I really dont like the IL2 damage model now.  The German 109 makes one pass and it falls apart.  I get harassed because I bailed out and left the game mad in February and yet Tomio still brings it up and still got credit for the kill.  Should I just sit in parachute and wait for germans to keep firing and kill pilot.  Because they don't stop firing.  Look at my disconnects.  Almost no disconnects and none were to take credit away from anyone who shot me down.  


Just tired of server trying to make it easier for German.  The developers have already done that.





#23682 Server connection

Автор: CIA_Elanski : 01 Ноябрь 2017 - 18:55

Yesterday there was nearly a full server on Warfield42sw-WL-212-21 on 31-10-2017 at 2138.  Half of the players lost connection to the server.  Everyone lost their streaks.  No I did not have a large streak going but I think it is time to stop losing streaks because of disconnection.


1.  There are numerous players still disconnecting so they don't die.  Losing the streak policy is not working.


2.  The random disconnect or unintentional disconnects are still happening.  I had just taken off from the base on the first flight, no enemy on Russian side of map and i get kicked.  All stats go back to zero.  It is not working.


3.  No "Flight kill" should be awarded for bombing the bases.  The planes are on the ground.  These should be ground kills.  No pilot in WWII was awarded an aerial victory unless the plane was in the air.  The bomber's hitting spawn bases are getting kills credited to them I believe.


4.  The map makers are not putting some lagg3, la5, mig or yak on some maps.  Or map maker will put a mig at one base with only 20mm or only 12.7.  Really?   A new map I saw has german tanks rolling towards the front lines.  If Russians don't stop them we lose the front bases.  The south base has no 23mm or 37mm on the IL2.  The elevator on the IL2 already has been reduced.  Now you take away the 23mm and 37mm guns from it.  You are making it hard to want to fly these maps. 



#21047 cannot stay connected

Автор: CIA_Elanski : 23 Август 2017 - 03:43

I was flying for several hours today.  New map and I was on my 2nd sortie.  I was disconnected.  I joined and flew out.  One grid and I was disconnected.  I join and pick base and I get disconnected.  I join other servers and it is good.  I join Wings and it disconnects me.  Server is up and my internet is good.  I do not understand it.

#21046 Not staying connected

Автор: CIA_Elanski : 23 Август 2017 - 03:37

I was flying for several hours today.  Then I lost connection.  I joined and flew out one grid. I lost connection.  I joined and when I tried to choose base I was kicked.  I can join other servers.  Does anyone know why I can not stay connected?